Terapi stimulasi saraf baru untuk penderita stroke

Terapi stimulasi saraf baru untuk penderita stroke – Setiap tahun di Inggris, sekitar seratus ribu orang mengalami stroke. Bentuk stroke yang paling umum adalah ketika suplai darah ke otak terputus oleh arteri yang tersumbat. Terapi stimulasi saraf baru untuk penderita stroke Sebagian besar korban mengalami perubahan dramatis dalam kehidupan mereka. Hingga 75% melaporkan beberapa bentuk…

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Kesuburan Pada Wanita

Sebuah studi baru AS menunjukkan bahwa makan makanan susu rendah lemak setiap hari dapat mengurangi kesuburan seorang wanita dengan mempengaruhi ovulasi . Kesuburan Pada Wanita Studi ini diterbitkan dalam jurnal Human Reproduction . Para peneliti dari Harvard School of Public Health dan Brigham dan Rumah Sakit Wanita dan Harvard Medical School, Boston, diikuti 18.555 menikah,…

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Obat Patah Tulang Alami

Infections cause necrosis and edema, take energy away from the healing process, and may increase the mobility of the fracture site. The range of motion, joint loading, and specific tendon gliding exercises should be used to avoid stress on the fractured bone while accelerating healing. Sometimes broken bones can heal so thoroughly within a few…

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Obat Tradisional Tumor Rahim

The most common form of cancer of the female reproductive tract in the United States is endometrial carcinoma – cancer of the lining of the uterus, or endometrium. A hysterectomy is the only way to truly cure a woman of fibroids, and fibroids are actually the most common reason hysterectomies are performed in the first…

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Obat Tradisional Kista

A unicameral bone cyst (UBC) is a benign (non-cancerous), fluid-filled cavity in the bone, which does not spread. With bone cysts, there is a high risk of fracture recurrence because of cyst persistence and the recommended treatment is ORIF with bone grafting. Unicameral bone cysts (UBC), or simple cysts, are serous fluid-filled bone lesions usually…

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Kidney Stones

A prospective randomized controlled trial demonstrated that allopurinol reduced the risk of recurrent calcium oxalate stones in the setting of hyperuricosuria (urinary uric acid excretion >800 mg/day) and normocalciuria.40 Whether the drug is effective in patients with hypercalciuria has not been established. The beneficial effect of dietary moderation in reducing the risk of recurrent stones…

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What’s Cataract?

For example, cataracts in Bichon Frise dogs tend to develop rapidly in early adulthood and usually involve the entire lens in both eyes. Cataracts have many causes in dogs, and sometimes it is not possible to identify the cause of cataracts in affected patients. If your geriatric dog has cloudy eyes but still appears to…

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Prevention HVC

Hepatitis B virus is spread by direct contact with the body fluids (such as blood, semen, or vaginal fluids) of an infected person. Use combination with sofosbuvir and ribavirin for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C infection of genotype 3 in patients who are treatment-experienced, with or without compensated cirrhosis, and in combination with peginterferon…

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joint pain are?

“People were adamant that adverse weather conditions worsened their symptoms, so we decided to go ahead with a new study based on data from new patients with lower back pain and osteoarthritis,” Chris Maher, the director of the musculoskeletal division at The George Institute for Global Health and a co-author of the back pain study,…

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Obat herbal kanker

Namun di tengah-tengah kesulitan kami menghadapi musibah ini, kami mendapat surat dari Allianz bahwa klaim kami ditolak dengan alasan bahwa TUMOR membutuhkan masa tunggu 12 bulan sementara merujuk pada diagnosa Fardan (tertanggung) adalah KANKER NEUROBLASTOMA yang jelas-jelas merupakan “solid cancer”. “Namun di tengah-tengah kesulitan kami menghadapi musibah ini, kami mendapat surat dari Allianz bahwa klaim…

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