
Went back to the clinic (different doc again), took my bp and yes I had a high blood pressure, he said, relax, no stress, take less salt and take advil 3x/day..had my blood test and it came out normal for iron def etc..it’s been 3 days that my bp is normal (137/87), BUT I still have this headache that feels like somebody is pressing/squeezing from just about the back of my ears and sometimes I feel a sharp pain and my eyes feels so tired… what could it be? I’m a 52 yo woman in reasonably good health – but abit overweight – wanted to start working out but am worried that i will overstress my heart or cause my blood pressure to go even higher. “High blood pressure: Causes, symptoms, and treatments.” Medical News Today.

People with a history of heart disease, pregnant women or individuals with conditions that affect the blood supply to the kidneys should not take ACE inhibitors. People’s blood pressure can vary during the day, a visit to the doctor may spike the reading because the patient is anxious or stressed, having just eaten may also temporarily affect blood pressure readings. Metabolic syndrome – this is a disorder of the body’s metabolism, including an enlarged waistline, low blood HDL levels (the good cholesterol ), hypertension, and high levels of insulin If the patient has hypertension he/she is more likely to have other components of metabolic syndrome, significantly raising the risk of diabetes , stroke and heart disease.

If your blood pressure reaches into the high range, you should see your doctor about lifestyle modification and possibly medication especially if you have other risk factors, such as diabetes or heart disease. Many things can affect your blood pressure through the day, so your doctor will take a number of blood pressure readings to see that it stays high over time. People aged 75 years and over with isolated raised systolic BP 160 mm Hg, (DBP ≤ 90 mm Hg) as their risk of stroke is higher and BP should be managed aggressively.

Medicines can help control high blood pressure and can reduce the damage from it, but does not cure high blood pressure. Most people with high blood pressure do not get any symptoms so you need to get it checked to know if you have it. You can have your blood pressure checked by your doctor, nurse or pharmacist. If the arteries were delivering blood at high pressure to delicate organs such as the eyes, kidneys and brain they can cause damage, possibly permanent.

You can control high blood pressure through healthy lifestyle habits and medications if needed. Untreated high blood pressure can cause serious problems such as stroke, heart failure, heart attack and kidney failure. Additionally, children age 3 and older who are not obese or who do not have certain chronic conditions will have their blood pressure taken at annual wellness visits, rather than every time they are in a health-care setting, such as visits for vaccinations.

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